Participate Actively or Passively
As a registered member you choose how you want to participate, or get involved, with Haiti and Diaspora Projects. Be as active or as passive as you want.
As a Regular Member, you have to option to just "listen in" the conversations taking place in various Diaspora Regions and Committees. This way you stay informed about the issues on Haiti and the Diaspora. Or you can provide financial support to the Projects decided by the "Members" that benefit the Haitian people. Regular members have limited access on the platform.
As a Premium Member, you also have the option to just "listen in", or to participate in any capacity you like, get involved in Projects, connect with all members, access all the functions and features of the platform, and much more. You can be as visible as you'd like and join "like-minded" Haitians and Friends of Haiti who are working towards a better future for Haiti.
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